What is Kali Linux

Introduction to Kali Linux

Kali Linux is very popular operating system. Kali Linux is a Debian derived Linux distribution that is maintained and funded by Offensive Security. It is developed for information security tasks such as Penetration Testing, Security research, Reverse Engineering and digital forensics. The official website of kali Linux is Kali.org.

An Operating system is a important software that runs on a computer and manages the computer’s memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware and provides a suitable and safe environment for running programs in computer’s. It is also allow to communicate with the computer without knowing that how to speak computer’s language. Without an operating system(OS), a computer is useless.

 If you know that how to use Linux and it’s terminal commands, architecture system and file management then you can go with Kali Linux. And if you are not good in Linux, then you will go first start with ubuntu distribution and after sufficient practice, you could try for Kali Linux. 

Advantage of Kali Linux

More than 600 penetration testing tools pre-installed – it is comes with 600+ Penetration testing and network security tools included.

Free and always will be free – it is completely free and open source. So you can use it free of cost. you will never, ever have to pay for using Kali Linux

Open source Git tree – All of the source code of Kali Linux is available for everyone who wants to rebuild package for their specific needs.

FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard) compliant – it is allow Linux users to locate binaries, libraries, support files, etc.

Completely customizable – it is completely customizable according user requirement.

Multi-language supported – it is supports many languages. it is allow more users to operate it in their native language.

Top 10 security tools in Kali Linux

  1. AirCrack
  2. Burp Suite
  3. Hydra
  4. John the Ripper
  5. Maltego
  6. Metasploit Framework
  7. Nmap
  8. Zed Attack Proxy
  9. Sqlmap
  10. Wireshark

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