Installing Eclipse Oxygen IDE on Ubuntu

Installing Eclipse Oxygen IDE on Ubuntu

This post shows users and new students that how to Installing Eclipse Oxygen IDE on Ubuntu.

Developers of it IT sectored looking for a great IDE platform to developing their applications and manage codes of applications, Eclipse IDE is a great place to start to developing applications and manage  their codes. Eclipse IDE is a most popular Java IDE(Integrated Development Environment), but it is also works with C/C++ IDE and PHP IDE and also other languages.

This post is good to show students that how to install Eclipse Oxygen IDE installer on Ubuntu desktop.

Please follow these below steps to install Eclipse on Ubuntu

Step 1: Install Java JDK8

Eclipse IDE required Java JDK to be installed on the system . At that time, Java JDK 8 is only fully compatible to install JDK.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java

After runs that commands, you will see a prompt for accept the PPA key into Ubuntu. accept it and continue

After it the PPA repository is added to Ubuntu. Run commands below for downloading Oracle Java 9 installer.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer

When you runs the above commands you will see a prompt to access license and terms of the software. Accept it and continue.

access the license terms of the software

Install the oracle-java8-set-default package.

sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default

you can also check your java version by running below command.

javac -version

Step 2: Download Eclipse Oxygen

For Downloading Eclipse Oxygen IDE you can use below link :

Download Eclipse Oxygen

Step 3: Install Eclipse IDE

USe Below commands to Installing Eclipse IDE

tar xfz ~/Downloads/eclipse-inst-linux64.tar.gz

Now Select package IDE that you want to install and continue

After selecting pakage of IDE , Accept the default installation directory and continue

After that above Processes next is , accept the license and terms and continue.

Wait for the Eclipse installer to downloading and installing all packages.

After Complete downloading , all you have to do is launch the program .

Step 3: Create Eclipse App Launcher

Now we have to successfully downloaded and installed Eclipse, Now create a launcher for application. For do that, run the below commands

nano .local/share/applications/eclipse.desktop

Next step, copy and paste the below content into the file and save

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Eclipse JEE Oxygen
Comment=Integrated Development Environment

Replace username (mukesh) with your own account name and also replace the Exec = location and mkk.xpm should depend on where Eclipse got installed on system.

Save the file and exit.

Then You have a launcher for Eclipse Oxygen. Open the Dash search for Eclipse, then launch.

That’s All!


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