How to Unzip Files in Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unzip Files in Linux

Have you ever come across a ZIP file and wanted to extract its contents, but didn’t know how to do it? In this article, we’ll show you how to unzip files in Linux using the unzip command.

Checking for unzip package

Before you can start unzipping files, you need to ensure that the unzip package is installed on your system. The unzip package is a program that can extract files from archives in various formats. To check if the package is installed, open a terminal and type the following command:

unzip -v

If the command is not found, it means the unzip package is not installed. In that case, you can install the package by using the following steps:

How to Installing unzip in Linux

In many Linux distributions, the unzip command is not included in the default installation. However, you can quickly and easily install it using your distribution’s package manager. Here are the commands for installing unzip on some popular Linux distributions:

How to Install unzip on Ubuntu and Debian:

sudo apt install unzip

How to install unzip on CentOS and Fedora

sudo yum install unzip

How to Unzip a ZIP File in Linux

To extract a ZIP file, use the unzip command followed by the name of the file. For example, if the ZIP file is named, use the following command:


This command will extract all the files from the ZIP archive to the current working directory.

How to Suppress the Output of the unzip Command in Linux

By default, the unzip command displays a lot of output. If you want to suppress this output and only display error messages, you can use the -q option. For example:

unzip -q

How to Unzip a ZIP File to a Different Directory in Linux

If you want to extract a ZIP file to a specific directory, you can use the -d option followed by the path to the directory. For example:

unzip -d /path/to/directory

This command will extract all the files from the ZIP archive to the specified directory.

How to Unzip a Password Protected ZIP file in Linux

If a ZIP file is password-protected, you will need to enter the password in order to extract the contents. Use the -P option followed by the password to specify the password. For example:

unzip -P filepassword

It is not recommended to enter a password on the command line as it can be intercepted and pose a security risk. A safer option is to extract the files normally and let the unzip command prompt you for the password when needed. If the ZIP file is encrypted, running the unzip command without the -P option will display a prompt asking for the password. For instance, if your archive is named and contains a file named file.txt, you can extract it by running the following command:


[] file.txt password: 

At this point, the unzip command is waiting for you to enter the password for the ZIP file. Once you’ve entered the correct password, the files in the ZIP archive will be extracted.

How to Exclude Files when Unzip a ZIP File in Linux

If you want to exclude certain files or directories when unzipping a ZIP file, you can use the -x option followed by the pattern to exclude. For example, to exclude all files with the extension .txt, use the following command:

unzip -x file1-to-exclude file2-to-exclude


unzip -x "*.txt"

How to Overwrite Existing Files

By default, the unzip command will prompt you before overwriting any existing files. If you want to automatically overwrite existing files without prompting, you can use the -o option. For example:

unzip -o

How to Unzip a ZIP File Without Overwriting Existing Files

If you want to extract files from a ZIP archive without overwriting existing files, you can use the -n option. This will skip the extraction of any files that already exist. For example:

unzip -n

How to Unzip Multiple ZIP Files in Linux

To extract multiple ZIP files at once, use the unzip command with the *.zip pattern. For example, to extract all ZIP files in the current directory, use the following command:

unzip '*.zip'

This command will extract all ZIP files in the current directory to their own individual directories with the same name as the ZIP file.

You can also specify a different target directory for the extracted files by using the -d option followed by the directory path. For example, to extract the ZIP files to a directory called zip_files, use the following command:

unzip '*.zip' -d zip_files

This command will extract all ZIP files in the current directory to the zip_files directory.

How to List the Contents of a Zip File in Linux

To list the contents of a ZIP file without extracting it, you can use the -l option. For example:

unzip -l

  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
     8409  2020-01-01 00:00   file1.txt
    11983  2020-01-01 00:00   file2.txt
---------                     -------
    20392                     2 files

The output shows the name, date, time, and size of each file in the ZIP archive. In this example, the file contains two files called file1.txt and file2.txt, and the total size of the files is 20,392 bytes.

How to Extract Specific Files from a ZIP Archive in Linux

Suppose you have a large ZIP file that you need to extract, but you only want to extract specific files from it. You can use the unzip command with the -j option to extract specific files without extracting the directory structure.

Let’s say that you have a file called that contains the following files and directories:
|- folder1/
   |- file1.txt
   |- file2.txt
|- folder2/
   |- file3.txt

If you only want to extract the file file1.txt from, you can use the following command:

unzip -j folder1/file1.txt

The -j option tells unzip to extract files without creating their parent directory structure. In the above example, the folder1 directory will not be created, and file1.txt will be extracted directly into the current working directory.


The unzip command is a versatile tool that can help you extract the contents of ZIP files in Linux. With these options, you should be able to handle most ZIP files that come your way.

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